2021 SEASON ๐Ÿ‰ Unsurprisingly SJRU has confirmed to decision to cancel the 2021 season.
Keep up the training, stay safe and we look forward to lots more rugby in 2022. ๐Ÿ…

STATEMENT FROM SJRU REGARDING 2021 WINTER SEASONS Regrettably but not surprisingly we are writing today to confirm the decision of the SJRU Board in regard to our SJRU XVs and Frosty 7s competitions. Unfortunately because of the continued restrictions and uncertainty about when and how we will exit the current COVID 19 lockdown in Greater Sydney (and NSW as a whole), the SJRU is left with no alternative other than to cancel these competitions for Season 2021. NSW Rugby Union (NSWRU) and its Affiliate Unions have confirmed the cancellation of all metropolitan Season 2021 Winter rugby competitions, including (in addition to the SJRU) NSW Suburban Rugby Union, Sydney Rugby Union (includingโ€ฆ More
