Warringah Rugby Club is pleased to announce the International Sport College Australia (ISCA) as its new Educational Partner for the 2019 season.

It can be challenging to achieve sporting and educational goals at the same time. The demands of study, training and playing can be difficult to manage however, enrolling into the ISCA Educational Program can help individuals achieve both goals.


An information evening will be held on Monday, 21 January 2019 at Sydney Academy of Sport.
[Specific presentation time to be announced soon]

If you’re interested in earning a qualification in high performance sport management while participating in a compeititve sporting environment, we encourage you to attend this information evening.

Educational Scholarships will be made available to eligible Warringah Rugby Players.

They say that knowledge is power, information is liberating and education is the premise of progress, but without progress we can’t acheive our goals.
#warrignahrats #warringahrugby #educationalpartners #ISCA #InternationalSportCollegeAustralia #icsaustralia

Image: Maclean Jones
Image by: Rising Sun Photography Sydney